In June, the Government of Canada has suspended the implementation of certain provisions in Canada’s anti-spam legislation (CASL), which were supposed to come into effect on July 1, 2017. With this suspension, the Government of Canada removed the public’s right to file lawsuits against organizations and individuals who violate Canada’s anit-spam legislation.
What’s does this mean for me?
To summarize this bluntly, it means that you, as an individual, have less rights than organizations and corporations. The anti-spam legislation came into effect to protect Canadians from spam and other electronic threats, such as harassment, identity theft, and fraud to name just a few.
The Government of Canada seems to think, however, that “Canadian businesses, charities and non-profit groups should not have to bear the burden of unnecessary red tape.”
What’s the big deal?
Canadian businesses and nonprofits who respect their customers and clients would never be caught in a situation where this “unnecessary red tape” would affect them. The only companies that will be affected by this “unnecessary red tape” are corporations and businesses who do not follow the rules. Those are the ones the law is supposed to protect us from.
Following the legislation is actually quite simple and common sense for those who value their customers and clients.
Simple, eh?
Yes, simple. The easiest step to follow the legislation, is (or shall I say “was”) to use a double opt-in form to prove that an organization has the right to email an individual.
This legislation was the change that permission-based marketers like myself wanted to see and we all cheered when it was passed. This suspension is not a reason for joy. It’s a reason to mourn: I, personally, mourn that permission based marketing is back to square one on the email marketing front.
I still hope, however, that despite this suspension, the lesson marketers have learnt over the past three years when preparing for this change, will not be forgotten or undone. We all are, after all, working hard to make our customers and clients feel appreciated and respected. Following the rules even when legal consequences are removed, will truly make good businesses and organizations stand out from those who don’t.
Which side you’re on is up to you. My heart will always beat for permission-based marketing, no matter what laws are passed or suspended. Feel free to join me on the good side.