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Meet Let’s Do It World

By September 15, 2017February 24th, 2022No Comments

To those working with me, it’s no secret that I love working with nonprofits of all shapes and sizes. One of those, I’d like to feature today to give you a little introduction into the wonderful world of nonprofits: Let’s Do It World.

A few months ago, I came onboard with Let’s Do It World and started helping their international marketing team. But Let’s Do It World  is not a “normal” nonprofit (if there is such a thing). They are a nonprofit with an incredibly ambitious goal: Recruit members in each country across the planet to join together for one day and “clean up the world.” Crazy, isn’t it? …and so beautiful!

What day you might be asking?

September 15, 2018

Drop everything you’re doing write now and write that down in your calendar! Because you want to be part of it, don’t you? I certainly will be and would love to meet you at one of the many locations where the clean-up will take place.

My current task is helping the #CleanWorldChampions out with video editing and transcripts and occasionally providing content to use for their Let’s Do It’s news outlet.


So what’s the big deal about Let’s Do It?

Instead of rambling on about Let’s Do It’s mission or why this project is so important for us on a global level, I encourage you to take 1 minute out of your busy day and watch this video to see for yourself (and no I wasn’t involved in this one — I wish I was):



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