Thank you everyone for a wonderful year 2016.
While it is not over yet, I would like to pass on a very inspirational thought.
If you are like me, you already have everything you could possibly “need.” A job that you love, a wonderful partner, food on the table, and a roof above your head. Your “wanted” list might be filled with electronic gadgets, books, and accessories. But let’s ignore those for a second.
This December, my partner and I decided to combine our birthday celebrations (both in December). We told our friends that instead of presents, they should rather bring clothing for our local shelter or donations for the Food Bank. We were hopeful that we would get a significant amount of clothing because it had already started to snow. The turnout we had was incredible and the amount of clothes and food we collected was overwhelming. Some have since even adopted that idea for their own parties as well.
With this blog post, I would like to inspire you to reflect about your “wanted” list. Maybe you, too, could do without one or two items and instead help someone who has not completed their “needs” list yet. There are many shelters, charities, and non-profits who are doing a fantastic job and are grateful for every cent.
If you need inspiration, here are some of them:
- Your local food bank
- Your local homeless shelters
- Youth support programs
- Animal shelters (who receive a lot of animals after Christmas because people still “gift” pets and once they outgrow the puppy stage and lose their cuteness factor, they might also lose their home)
On their behalf: Thank You!